The last time that I blogged, on Food and Whatever, it was the beginning of a season in this journey that I feel like I started. To write the truth, I really don't know how or where to get some kind of traction going right now. There's a few episodes of Food and Whatever that need editing so that they can be posted up. Looking for a new job that would push me to new things hasn't happened, clients...not even close. Though this feels disheartening I know that I cannot and must not give in. Have you ever felt like you are stuck in a pause mode? I am moving, or maybe I have the perception that I'm moving but really am not moving. I wish that I knew what to do, say, where to go but I know that that's not the way things work. My body is getting into shape, but it seems like nothing else is. This week coming up I have to sit down and work on menus and pricing for all the stuff that is planned out. I know it takes time. That I must be persistent and push through. So this is where I am currently, wanting to do all the things that I hindered my self from achieving and wanting to get them done within weeks. Instead of trying to accomplish Goliath size plans at one time, maybe I need to make David size plans and smooth out my stones for when those Goliath plans start to come into play. So from here, today, what do I do? Break down huge plans into stages, continue to achieve my goal of having my athletic body back, make the menus and pricing, and cook like there's no tomorrow (pics will be posted on my social media pages), believe and trust God.
Chef Cristina
Chef Cristina